

Dramatic soprano

About Soula
“Vocally, she was incandescent.”
“When I sing I am drawing on something greater than myself. For me, it’s an act of surrender.”
Soula Parassidis

View Soula featured on July cover of Gala

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Soula featured on July cover of Gala

Despite socio-political turmoil in Greece, Athens premiered a new rendition of Christoph Williabald Gluck’s masterpiece, Iphigénie en Tauride, at the Pallas Theater on March 18th.

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On Maria Callas Centennial, Stage Is Set For Economic Development In Greece

Shortly before her first appearance in our country, at the Pallas Theatre, where she will perform Gluck's "Iphigenia en Taurois", the Greek-Canadian soprano introduces herself to the Greek audience.

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Soula Parassidis makes her Greek debut for Maria Callas centennial

Soula Parasidi: The Greek soprano who has become an Opera influencer

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Soula is featured in Greek magazine

Q & A: Soula Parassidis on Living Opera & NFT Opera Funding

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Q&A with Soula Parassidis

“Pure ambition – that is, the strong desire to do or achieve success by determination and hard work – is a good thing. The pursuit of excellence requires ambition in order to persevere in truly tedious tasks.

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Soula is featured alongside other female CEOs on ambition

Cancer Almost Stole My Singing Voice: How Blockchain Helps Me Hit High Note

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Soula in Newsweek

Soula Parassidis believes emerging technologies can innovate the international opera scene.

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Soula in DC Modern Luxury
Iphigénie en Aulide/Tauride
Greek National Opera
Iphigenie en Aulide/Tauride
Stadttheater Bern
Iphigenie en Tauride
Boston Baroque
Iphigenie en Tauride
Maria Callas Theatre Athens
Iphigenie en Tauride
Livestream IDAGIO
Iphigenie en Tauride