In 2020 we



Founded in 2020 by Soula Parassidis, Living Opera is a digital media platform dedicated to creating projects that expand the audience for opera using cutting-edge technology.

the audience
for opera

Living Opera has been featured in:

our team

Soula Parassidis

Soula Parassidis is lead founder of Living Opera and the chairman of the Living Opera Foundation. She is an operatic soprano, media personality, entrepreneur, and anti-human trafficking advocate.

Norman Reinhardt

Is an operatic tenor and the orginal co-founder of Living Opera. He is head of education and musical productions for Living Opera and sits on the board of the Living Opera Foundation.

Christos Makridis

Is the COO and co-founder of Living Opera and a board member of the Living Opera Foundation. He had two PhDs from Stanford University and holds academic appointments in several universities including Columbia and Stanford.
The Living Opera Foundation

Making classical music more sustainable for artists and passionate philanthropists.

Living Opera Foundation is a 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to innovating how artists are trained and how opera is experienced. Our goals include:
Relevant education for artists
Foster global community
Create work for artists
Strategic partnerships
Industry innovation in the arts
Magic Mozart

The Magic Mozart NFT collection

for artists

In 2022, we launched our philanthropy project, the Magic Mozart NFT collection, which combines original artwork and music from Mozart's Musical Dice Game composed algorithmically on the blockchain. The collection not only offers artistic novelty, but also funds our educational programs.